One more tiny thing, when loading a character I cant use the keyboard to load the actual save file, I have to click with my mouse. I have been playing Diablo 1 for 24 years and your patches have made it enjoyable still after all this time Is there any way you could change the code to allow the Armor of Gloom to drop as often as say the demon plate? If not could you recommend the best method of attempting to find one? I found 5 demon plate and 3 DemonSpike plates but 0 Armor of Glooms I know I have to find a demon plate first and then the Armor of gloom could potentially drop. My method is finding the demon plate and then clearing out the rest of the game where a mlvl monster could drop the Qlvl item - Armor of Gloom but its been 4 years and I still cant find it. I have been looking for the armor of gloom for 4 years straight and by doing Lazeres and Warlord of Blood runs by the thousands and Im starting to give up. I know you don't accept donations but I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions I recently applied the GOG patch and its incredibly smooth. Hello Belix, I wanted to thank you for the thousands of hours I have played your 1.02A5 patch.